FAQ's and Gear Info Below
The big day may have come and gone, but keep in touch as we’re always up to something new and exciting.
When: July 6 - 12, 2025
REGISTER: https://forms.gle/s79pKs5ca4MbfLteA
ANNUAL MEDICAL FORM: https://tinyurl.com/2dqhpgzt
Ockanickon Scout Reservation
The early bird rate is $540/scout; payment is due by 21 Feb to take advantage of it. $50 discount if sending two siblings. The late rate goes up to $560-600
Merit badge selections will be made March-May when the camp schedule is available. Information will be coming soon.
Questions? Contact me.
Jeff Mrozinski, jeffamrozinski@gmail.com, 856-834-4055
Summer Camp Coordinator(s):
Jeff Mrozinski, 856-834-4055, jeffmrozinski@gmail.com
David Iannacone, 215-588-5361, david@iannacone.net
Q: Will my son have enough to eat?
A; Yes. And the troop will likely have a pizza night too as a break from the mess hall. Spending money can be used to purchase ice cream or other treat as an afternoon snack.
Q: Will my son take a shower and brush his teeth?
A: He will be encouraged to do so but nobody will do it for him. At a certain point in human male development (usually within the scouting age range), boys realize that hygiene is a good thing.
Q: How many badges should my scout sign up for?
A: New scouts will participate in a special program and may have the opportunity to earn Swimming and one other badge too. Experienced scouts may sign up for 4-6 badges, depending on scheduling and difficulty. Be sure to leave some time for open sessions for climbing, swimming, boating, shooting, etc.
Q: Should I encourage my son to drink a lot of water?
A: Yes. New scouts especially can forget to drink throughout the day. This, coupled with lots of activity in the heat, can cause heat exhaustion and we want everyone to stay healthy and happy. Scoutmasters and our senior scouts will encourage the same.
Q: What happens if there's a big storm?
A: Camps are well-prepared with sheltering procedures for unique situations such as strong summer thunderstorms.
Q: Is it a good idea to text with my son throughout the week, asking him to send pictures of all the great things he's doing?
A: No. In Troop 10, camping trips and summer camp are times when we want the boys to unplug and focus on each other, tasks at hand, and grow up a little bit each trip on their own. There will be plenty of stories to hear upon pick-up.
Q: Is my son in good hands?
A: Yes. There will be 4-5 Troop 10 leaders throughout the week, including those who have led our summer camp for several years. In addition, camp is fully staffed and trained to handle all situations, regular and irregular, that might come up.
Q: What if my son gets homesick?
A: He might be a bit sad and even cry a little. Then he will likely go swimming, ascend the climbing tower, learn first aid, sing camp songs, shoot archery, goof around with about 40 other Troop 10 scouts going to camp, etc. He will be supported by Troop 10 scoutmasters and fellow scouts. Scientific studies indicate that every Boy Scout has survived homesickness during camp.
Q: What are merit badge prerequisites?
A: Sometimes camps offer merit badges but do not have time to complete all the requirements at camp. They often call these requirements prerequisites. It is an option for a scout to communicate with our Troop 10 badge counselor in order to complete prerequisites prior to camp. Otherwise, the scout may still take the merit badge at camp and finish with a partial, thereby needing to complete remaining requirements after camp.
Q: What's this thing called a "partial"? Why didn't my son complete all of his merit badges?
A: Sometimes scouts do not complete all requirements for a badge for numerous reasons. If this is the case, they will receive a partially completed requirements card. They then have the opportunity to complete the badge after camp by working with the appropriate Troop 10 merit badge counselor, which we are blessed to have for most of the popular badges.
Medical Forms - ASM Steve Brown continues to collect medical forms ABC, and these are absolutely required to attend camp. He has been reaching out to those whose forms are still missing. Please help out and provide them asap. stevebrownpa@hotmail.com
Medicines - Scouts who must bring medication shall bring it in a sealable bag with the meds inside and a a completed medical form with information https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UbzI5vnxx4ze1E1ocicuKGpM4ol4nxu_/view?usp=sharing.
The form should include the scout's name, parent name, parent phone number, and dosage/frequency instruction. Hand medications to Bill Nath at our meet-up point.
Dietary Needs - use this linked form to communicate dietary requirements for religious, vegetarian or allergy reasons.
Camp Planning - Newer and seasoned scouts alike can benefit from checking out the summer camp packing list. Don't forget your full Class A uniform and its hanger. Packing list (also accessed from the summer camp web page): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xjTTb27LhzUEMo1YrU2dAv9IfeP-zMNR/view
Registrations are OPEN!
View Merit Badges and Activities schedule, and also prerequisites. See troop meeting announcements for merit badge selection nights.
Merit Badge Guide and Pre-Requisites (coming soon)
Merit Badge Selection Schedule (coming soon)
Submit Medical Forms A, B, C (by early June) and send to ASM Stephen Brown, stevebrownpa@hotmail.com. Remember, Form C requires a doctor's signature.