TTFC are the Scout craft ranks. Scouts learn critical life skills during the early years of their Scout journey toward becoming leaders of themselves, their troop, and their community.
Click below to view the current TTFC schedule.
The rank on Eagle is the pinnacle of the Scout advancement. Only 5 percent of all Scouts accomplish this challenging feat.
Click here for the Troop 10 Path to Eagle Guide, which is mandatory reading for all new Life Scouts seeking the rank of Eagle.
The Path to Eagle Rank Requirements include Positions of Responsibility, read about them in Scout Resources and the Troop 10 Active Participation Policy.
Click the following links for more information about BSA merit badges counselors, and merit badge worksheets.
Want to take your Scouting experience to the next level?
Click here information about the top notch STEM NOVA program.
See the Adult Leadership section for a Troop 10 STEM mentor.
Scouting offers a rich program of awards related to the environment, faith, outdoor activities, aquatics, academic topics, and many more. Click below for a good resource on the many different awards Scouts can earn during their Scouting career.
Advancement is not an end to itself but one of the eight methods of Scouting. Click here to learn more about the purpose of Advancement and related requirements.
A) Definition of Active Participation
The definition of “active” includes (i) participation in a minimum of two troop activities per month and (ii) a minimum of six non-regular meeting troop activities within the prior 12 months, including at least three overnight camping trips.
The Troop takes a generous view of participation, including Troop community service events, meetings, Eagle Scout projects, formal merit badge classes, camping, fun nights, and summer meetings. “Participation” means the Scout, particularly First Class and above ranks, are directly involved in a meaningful way during Troop programs and/or activities, including related communications for any planning and preparation. Examples include wearing proper uniform, being on time and staying for the full scheduled event or shift, teaching other Scouts, participating in games and activities, helping organize Troop programs or presentations, participating in clean up days or trip preparation, attending campouts or paddling/ hiking day trips. Examples of non-qualifying activities would be completing a partial merit badge outside of an organized merit badge course, performing non-troop community service, “drop-ins” for meeting or event attendance and then leaving without significant participation in the event. Past participation does not count toward future participation.
B) Active Participation Required for Rank Advancement
The Troop seeks to encourage Scouts to complete rank advancements and recognizes that a Scout may go through extended periods of inactivity. An inactive Scout is encouraged to return back to active status and complete rank requirements. As such, a scout who has been inactive for an extended period must meet Section A (i) of active definition for at least three months prior to seeking a Board of Review (BOR) for advancement as part of demonstrating and fulfilling the Scout Spirit requirement signed off during the Scoutmaster Conference. Scout Spirit includes additional requirements beyond active participation.
C) Extra-Curricular Activities
The Troop definition of a minimum of two activities per month takes into consideration that Scouts may be active in other extracurricular activities.
D) POR Participation Requirements
Participation requirements for credit toward a Position of Responsibility (POR) requirement are separate and distinct from the Active Participation of two activities a month and are signed off during the Scoutmaster Conference. PORs generally require a significantly higher standard of participation as determined by needs of the position and the Scoutmaster.
E) Policy Awareness
It is the responsibility of each Scout to understand and fulfill the active participation policy of the Troop. The policy will be communicated in multiple venues, including:
i) the Scoutmaster will periodically share the active participation requirement with the Troop, including the weekly announcements and Scout Leadership meetings with a Star or Life Rank Scout and his parents;
ii) the Scoutmaster and Advancement Committee will share the active participation expectation with Scouts during Scoutmaster Conferences and BORs, respectively;
iii) the Scoutmaster or his designee will share the policy during recruitment and joining activities with new Scouts and parents; and
iv) the policy will be posted on the Troop 10 Meeting Location bulletin board
v) the policy will be posted on the Troop 10 Yardley Website.